Discuss human resource planning and compensation-rewards

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132006118

Question: For this assignment you are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation that addresses human resource planning and compensation/rewards.

Part 1: Human Resource Planning

In this section of the presentation you will discuss the development of an effective human resource planning process. Be sure to identify the major players and their functions, components of the process, and suggestions to improve the process.

Part 2: Compensation and Rewards

In this section of the presentation you will differentiate among direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, and non-financial rewards. Be sure to include specific examples of each.

Reference no: EM132006118

Questions Cloud

Discuss impact of collective bargaining on employee behavior : In this section you will discuss the impact of collective bargaining on employee behavior. You must choose at least three ways collective bargaining impacts.
Find the retailer selling price : A retailer's cost for an item is $517. The retailer sets prices to earn a 35% margin on selling price. Find the retailer's selling price.
Discuss how one can become an effective negotiator : Conduct your own research for a negotiation tool that you believe would be helpful for your classmates as they develop their own toolbox of negotiation.
Breakeven in dollars of sales revenue for modern lighting : Setting up to sell the new line will involve fixed costs of $29,959. Calculate breakeven in DOLLARS of sales revenue for Modern Lighting.
Discuss human resource planning and compensation-rewards : For this assignment you are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation that addresses human resource planning and compensation/rewards.
Create amortization schedule for fully amortized loan : Create an amortization schedule for a fully amortized loan with constant-payment installments.
Calculate breakeven sales in dollars for new mower : Calculate breakeven sales in DOLLARS for the new mower.
Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness : 1. Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness in relation to an organization's pay system, particularly when it is unable to offer its employees market.
Modern lighting sell in order to just break even on new lamp : How many lamps must Modern Lighting sell in order to just break even on the new lamps?


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