Discuss companys hr website for internally disseminated

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131762094


Select company that interests your team. It can be your current organization or an organization that you are familiar with to complete the following assignment.

Research the company's HR website for internally and externally disseminated documents, mission and vision statements, and the company's core competencies.

You have been hired as an outside consultant to help this organization in evaluating and measuring their organizational effectiveness.

The company selected is: Fedex

• What are some tools and resources you would suggest the company use to evaluate and measure its effectiveness? Please answer in 150 words minimum. no plagiarism and cite correctly.

Attachment:- Team-Effectiveness-Fedex.rar

Reference no: EM131762094

Questions Cloud

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Discuss companys hr website for internally disseminated : Research the company's HR website for internally and externally disseminated documents, mission and vision statements, and the company's core competencies.
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Improvements in transportation in the post-war : The first improvements in transportation in the post-War of 1812 era were locally sponsored toll roads, but the most dramatic difference came.
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