Discuss common factors that contributed to the rise

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132008293

Choose one of the following questions:

At least 300 words and three responses

1. Discuss common factors that contributed to the rise and decline of the ancient West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay.

2. Compare and contrast the struggle that African Americans engaged to end slavery with the protest movements to end Jim Crow segregation.

3. After each American war, Blacks have made significant social, political, and economic gains. What were some gains made after World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War?

4. Discuss the progress or lack of progress African Americans have made since the Civil Right of the 1960s to the present.

Reference no: EM132008293

Questions Cloud

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Discuss common factors that contributed to the rise : Discuss the progress or lack of progress African Americans have made since the Civil Right of the 1960s to the present.
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