Discuss all the legal and ethical implications of the action

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Reference no: EM132622659

Discussion: Unit 8: Liability in Patient Care

To access the Discussion Board, click this unit's Discussion link, on the left. Be sure to post a response to all Discussion topics. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Home in the Grading Rubrics section. This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion. Please see the Kaplan Writing Center located in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

Topic 1: HIV Testing and Informed Consent

Assume that one of the staff a nurse working on the unit that you are supervising has been stuck with a needle from a patient named John. You do not know the John's HIV status but he appears to have a needle mark on his arm. John is constantly asking for pain medication and his dosage of narcotics had to be raised because the lower doses were not holding him. John's girlfriend-Elaine, has numerous tattoos and the two are sexually active as disclosed by John. What actions will you take to protect the staff nurse? Examine this scenario using the CDC recommendations and your state laws. Fully discuss all the legal and ethical implications of the actions you will take.

Peer review two of your colleagues' posts.

Reference no: EM132622659

Questions Cloud

Post the final draft of the group legal malpractice paper : Post the final draft of the Group Legal Malpractice paper in the body of the message for comment by your peers and instructor.
Patient education : Write a essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. I
How much would you pay for one share in company tyk : The discount rate for TYK is 10%. How much would you pay for one share in Company TYK?
Make the statement of changes in owner equity : MAke the statement of changes in owner's equity is a financial statement that provides information about changes to the equity of a business for
Discuss all the legal and ethical implications of the action : Assume that one of the staff a nurse working on the unit that you are supervising has been stuck with a needle from a patient named John.
What is the annualised usd forward bid premium : What is the annualised USD forward bid premium or discount as a percentage? Present your answer in nominal terms.
Recent financial data on morningstar : There are several sources of financial information on publicly traded firms. Use morningstar.com to obtain the main financial data and ratios for Verizon (VZ)
What are the implications for the nurse license : Assume that you have knowledge that the nurse working on your unit has been illegally using drugs. What are your obligations to disclose this?
How much money would be required to discharge the loan : How much money would be required to discharge the loan at the end of the 5th year? At the end of the fifth year, just after paying the 60th instalment


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