Discuss about the program planning and ethics

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Reference no: EM132472885

Program Planning and Ethics

Discussion Question 1: Based on what you have learned from your readings in Comparative Approaches to Program Planning pertaining to the "when" and "which" questions, what ethical considerations will you face, or have you faced, as you craft your proposal for the final capstone project? How have you addressed these ethical concerns?

Reference no: EM132472885

Questions Cloud

Construct a typical weekly income leisure constraint : Suppose that the wage rate is $20 per hour for a typical labor. a. Construct a typical weekly income leisure constraint for this person.
What are the impacts of gender role socialization : Discuss what is the mean for Gender, masculinity, gender roles, and the impacts of gender role socialization. Must be APA format, 4 references
Draw a graph of a competitive market in? equilibrium : Draw a graph of a competitive market in? equilibrium, and illustrate a decrease in Demand. Carefully label everything. Use the? "E" labels to label
Discuss the differences in changes in supply-demand : Also, please discuss the differences in changes in supply/demand and the changes in quantity supplied/demanded. Also discuss equilibrium.
Discuss about the program planning and ethics : What have learned from your readings in Comparative Approaches to Program Planning pertaining to the "when" and "which" questions
Elasticity of demand for public transportation : What might the advocates (those in favour) of the new proposal be thinking about the elasticity of demand for public transportation?
Calculate the gdp price deflator in years 1 and 2 : Using year 1 as the base year, calculate the GDP price deflator in years 1 and 2, and calculate the rate of inflation between years 1 and 2 from the GDP price
What type would apply a mixed method design to : What benefits do you believe have resulted from the utilization of mixed methodology rather than the utilization of solely a quantitative
Which medium did you enjoy the most : Consider the imagery you created in your mind as you interacted with the written version of The Open Window. Describe this imagery and discuss whether.


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