Discuss a specific time when you observed a contradiction

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Reference no: EM132826913

Question: Discuss a specific time when you observed a contradiction between:

(a) the core values that your organization espouses and

(b) the values reflected by the organization's policies or leaders' decisions or actions.

To spark your thought process, examples of contradicting espoused values and real (i.e., enacted) values are provided in the unit lesson and readings.

You may discuss an example from a current or past organization where you have been employed; a volunteer organization where you have contributed your time; or a club, team, or any other organization of which you have been a member.

Reference no: EM132826913

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about an incidence in relation to discrimination : Discuss about an incidence in relation to discrimination and prejudice (either you have experienced it as an educator or as a student before) that took place.
Was the contract under the statute of frauds : At the time of contract formation, was there any possibility that the performance could be completed within one year from the date of contract formation?
List the five major trends in business organizations : 1. Explain these terms:a. craft productionb. mass productionc. division of labord. interchangeable parts
Discuss a specific time when you observed a contradiction : Discuss a specific time when you observed a contradiction between: the values reflected by the organization's policies or leaders' decisions or actions.
Why is employee significant in improving performance : 1. How does leadership affect performance management? 2. Why is employee significant in improving performance?
Create entry in journal form without explanation on january : Create an entry in journal form without explanation on January 1, 2018, to record the conversion of bonds with a face value of $2,400,000 into common stock.
Why are there economies of scale in queuing systems : What are the pros and cons of pooled-queue systems and separate-queue systems? Provide examples along with your opinion of the best option.
Identify one applicable social studies standard : What is the value of integrating a cross-disciplinary curriculum for early childhood students? Support your statements with scholarly-based research.


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