Discuss a connection between your field of study and society

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Reference no: EM131690377


Summary of assignment

Task: Write an essay that discusses a connection between your field of study and society. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field.

Length: 1500-2000 words.

Sources: Minimum of 6. At least 3 of these must be from scholarly journals, and all sources should be selected based on reliability, currency, and level of information/analysis. You can, but do not have to, include all of the sources from your annotated bibliography.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:

• Use research to write an essay that will inform or persuade an audience (Course outcome 1)

• Form unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs in support of the thesis statement (Course outcome 2)

• Select sources, use them to inform and support your writing, and document them in APA style (Course outcome 4)

• Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)

• Participate in the process of receiving feedback and revising your writing (Course outcome 1)

Topic This essay is the culmination of your research project, in which you are investigating a connection between your field of study and society. You should already have a topic that you have been working on, and identified several potential sources in an annotated bibliography. You should write on the same topic for this essay, unless your professor has asked you to make changes to your topic

Organizing and supporting your essay

As you write your essay, be sure to include the following:

• an engaging introductory paragraph that includes an effective and clear thesis statement

• any definition of terms or background information that your reader is likely to need to understand your paper
• unified, supported, and coherent body paragraphs that defend the thesis
• an effective conclusion

Research is a key element of this paper. Take care to support your claims with research throughout the paper. Include APA in-text citations whenever you use sources, whether through quote, paraphrase, or summary. An APA reference list at the end of the paper should list all of the sources cited in the text of the paper.

Point of view

This essay will be written in an academic style. Use third person point of view. Do not use "I" or "you."

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

• Use one-inch margins.
• Double space.
• Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
• Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school.

Revising your essay

You will submit at least two drafts of your essay. Your instructor will provide feedback on the first draft, and then you will revise and resubmit your essay for a grade. Your instructor may suggest more than two drafts.

Reference no: EM131690377

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