Disadvantage of use of molecular methods in clinical

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132644252

1. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of the use of molecular methods in clinical microbiology.

2. What is the signal detected in qPCR procedures?

3. What two methods can be used to analyze the quality and specificity of amplification in a qPCR?

4. Which of the following controls is critical for ensuring that amplification is occurring in a patient sample and that the lack of PCR product is not due to the presence of polymerase inhibitors?

a. Reagent blank

b. Sensitivity control

c. Negative control

d. Amplification control

5. An EWS-FLI-1 mutation was detected in a solid tumor by qRT-PCR. Which of the following does this result support?

a. Normal tissue

b. Ewing sarcoma

c. Inherited breast cancer

d. Microsatellite instability

6. Home-brew" laboratory-developed tests:

a. require premarket approval.

b. require no review prior to implementation.

c. present no risk of human injury.

d. require approved validation.

Reference no: EM132644252

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