Differentiate between hypnosis and meditation

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Reference no: EM132442474

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Responses need to be provided in your own words. You are not to submit responses word for word. On all questions you must rephrase, summarize or explain in your own words. If you use another's work word for word it is consider "plagiarism".

You also are to demonstrate you understand and are able to explain content. I fully understand and EXPECT you to use some of the same words to explain concepts. Be careful with being brief. Being too brief will quickly discount your grade. Simply... brief is not good on essay questions, explain in detail.

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1. Explain at least three of the following techniques used to study the brain: EEG, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, fMRI. What is the significance of these brain-imaging techniques?

2. Identify and describe the structures and functions of the cerebral cortex, including the four lobes and two hemispheres.

3. Differentiate between hypnosis and meditation. Compare the two theories of how hypnosis works?

4. Identify the basic structures of a neuron, the function of each structure, and how messages travel through the neuron.

5. Describe the different levels of sleep that occur during a normal night, and know the characteristics of each phase. In addition discuss the Disorders of Sleep.

6. Describe epigenetics and examine how gene-environment interactions are critical for expression of physical and psychological characteristics

7. Describe the endocrine system and explain its primary responsibilities within the body

8. Define sensation and explain its connection to the concepts of absolute threshold, difference threshold, and subliminal messages

9. Describe the basic anatomy of the visual system

10. Give examples of gestalt principles, including the figure-ground relationship, proximity, similarity, continuity, and closure.

Reference no: EM132442474

Questions Cloud

Explain how bandura studied observational learning : Explain how Bandura studied observational learning. Discuss what you believe are the effects of television and video games on behavior. Please be sure to cite.
Discuss Haiders critique of victim : Discuss Haider's critique of "victim" discourse in Mistaken Identity. This is a critique that has also been made of certain strains of feminism. Do you agree
Certain initiatives is important from business standpoint : Describe some of the factors one must consider when conducting business across borders. Why taking certain initiatives is important from a business standpoint.
Describe scientific methodology and typical research designs : The concept of "life span" development is relatively new. For many years, "child" psychology was studied, but it was understood that by the beginning of early.
Differentiate between hypnosis and meditation : Differentiate between hypnosis and meditation. Compare the two theories of how hypnosis works? Identify the basic structures of a neuron, the function of each.
Describe history of attitudes toward masturbation in the US : Describe history of attitudes toward masturbation in the U.S. What sorts of products and/or devices have been used to stop people from masturbating?
Organizational opportunities and challenges of globalization : Discuss the organizational opportunities and challenges of globalization. Describe how globalization has specifically impacted your position in the workplace?
Describe the stages of memory storage : Describe the three stages of memory storage. Describe the unreliability of eyewitness testimony. Identify and discuss the basic components of language.
Discuss the impact of family dynamics : Discuss the treatment of Robin. Discuss the impact of Family Dynamics. What potential solutions would you propose to address this case.


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