Differences between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132609994

So a Toad Cardiac Muscle experiment was conducted and i needed help with these questions

Question 1

Briefly explain the similarities and differences between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle and smooth muscle?

Question 2

Explain the active length-force relationship in terms of the interactions between actin and myosin molecules in the cardiac muscle?

Question 3

Explain how extracellular calcium concentration affects cytosolic calcium concentration during depolarisation of a cardiac muscle cell?

Question 4

Explain how calcium interacts with the contractile machinery of the cardiac muscle cell to alter contractility?

Question 5

Explain how activation of β-adrenoceptors increases cardiac contractility?

Question 6

What is the mechanism by which nifedipine alters cardiac contractility?

Question 7

What do we mean by the term 'cardiac contractility'? In your answer, consider both the mechanisms at the level of cross-bridge formation and how changes in contractility alter stroke volume in the intact heart?

Reference no: EM132609994

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