Difference between a virus-a worm and a trojan

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Reference no: EM132358125

For this assignment, create a new message and address the following items in your response.

Give reasons why a user would protect a file from read or write access by other users and provide examples how this can be done.

Explain the difference between a virus, a worm, and a Trojan.

Explain why it is safer for administrators to use two different accounts when working with a computer. Explain the difference between the two accounts.

Explain how access restrictions on a folder or directory can block a user's access to a file, even if the file itself may be readable by that user.

Explain the four general tasks that may play a role in recovering from a security incident 250words.

Reference no: EM132358125

Questions Cloud

Define the significant values of conducting an ethics audit : Auditing of Organizational Ethics and Compliance Programs" Please respond to the following: Examine the significant values of conducting an ethics audit.
Examine the possible causes of each cwb : Choose one (1) CWB from the abuse against others category and one (1) CWB from the production deviance category, and then examine at least two (2) possible.
Signature-based prediction of cybersecurity threats : Discuss THREE (3) arguments which support the use of Behavioral Analysis over Signature-based prediction of Cybersecurity Threats.
Involve people is harder than other threat modeling : In your own words, why do you think modeling for systems that involve people is harder than other threat modeling?
Difference between a virus-a worm and a trojan : Explain the difference between a virus, a worm, and a Trojan. Explain the difference between the two accounts.
Current cybersecurity solutions leave wide gap in coverage : Current cybersecurity solutions leave a wide gap in coverage," says Doug Clare, vice president for cyber security solutions at analytics software company FICO.
Reported by major malware containment vendor : Using a Web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor.
What is project management and what is scope : What is Project Management? What are the Elements of a Project? What is Scope?
Organizational strategy and organizational culture : Introduction of the organization, including history and background. Organizational strategy. Organizational culture.


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