Develop a one-page physical activity resource brochure

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Reference no: EM132811358

Assignment: Physical Activity Resource Brochure

After reading the websites cited in the Overview and your peer's Discussion posts develop a one-page Physical Activity Resource Brochure/infographic. Imagine that your peers all live in the same general location. Research one fun and unusual but accessible activity that will meet the physical activity goals of you and your peers.

Remember to search for activities on Living Social, Groupon, Department of Recreation and Parks brochures, club and meetings sections of the newspaper, bulletin boards in your favorite neighborhood coffee shop or grocery store, etc. Develop a one-page infographic as the brochure which offers information on:

• a description of the activity

• cost

• when and where

• website or copy of the listing location

The activity should be described as above noted with the addition of photos or graphics to enhance the brochure. Pictures and graphics are required.

You may submit your brochure/infographic in PowerPoint, PDF, Word or Microsoft Publisher format. View websites on how to create an 8 X 11.5 color infographic (one-page Word or pdf. document), but do not purchase formatting options.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: One-page

Structure: One-page colored infographic/brochure

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment. Citations on infographic where used, references at the bottom of infographic.

Reference no: EM132811358

Questions Cloud

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Develop a one-page physical activity resource brochure : After reading the websites cited in the Overview and your peer's Discussion posts develop a one-page Physical Activity Resource Brochure/infographic.
What are different types of record keeping : What are different types of record keeping that can be used for WHS?
Discuss the capital budgeting choices of payback : Discuss the capital budgeting choices of Payback. Explain which method managers feel is the optimal choice when analyzing alternative projects and the reasons
Explain the company key financial compliance : Discuss the budget you have developed and the rationale for the budget - Discuss the amounts allocated to activity, including the conference and the e-book.
What amount of depreciation will hanley record : Estimates the machine will last 10 years and have a residual value of $5,000. What amount of depreciation will Hanley record in 19X5?


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