Develop a analysis designing the action plan

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132589524

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the student to integrate and apply the individual and organizational leadership learning from this course by developing a plan for organizational change.

Assignment Steps

Review course assignments for Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment taken in Week 1.

Select an organizational change in your company or one you know.

Develop a analysis designing the action plan for you, as a leader, to address the organizational change.

Include the following, in any sequence you choose:

Identify the organizational change process steps you would take and prioritize the order in which you would take them.

Include both individual and organizational leadership actions.

Scholarly citations must be given to support your rationale and proposed actions.

Reference no: EM132589524

Questions Cloud

How family-centered programs support the early childhood : The Final Project will illustrate how family-centered programs, theories, and concepts support the early childhood classroom and the child's family.
How will you rephrase situation to demonstrate to the parent : Restate and reframe the parent's ideas. (How will you rephrase the situation to demonstrate to the parent that you understand their problem?)
Reimbursement-based compensation : Why might providers prefer reimbursement-based compensation but payers would prefer capitation?
What is meant by overhead : What is meant by overhead? What are some examples of overhead costs in the healthcare industry?
Develop a analysis designing the action plan : Develop a analysis designing the action plan for you, as a leader, to address the organizational change.
What is the reason for the assembly : What are three ways that cost accounting information is assembled, and what is the reason for the assembly?
Establish your own philosophy using given details : Discipline and guidance are major components of a preschool program. You need to establish your own philosophy before you can communicate this with parents.
Find the irr of the incremental project : You have to decide between projects A and project B. No project is not an option. The cash flows are as follows:
Explain how employees stock option can result in disastrous : Explain how employees stock option can result in disastrous tax bill when the underlying firm's stock fall.


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