Determining an appropriate time to release the offender

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Reference no: EM132002859

Many factors are considered when termination of parole is determined. When an offender is discharged from prison and reenters the community, he or she remains on federal parole for a specified period of time.

During the reentry process, many types of supports are incorporated into the reentry plan along with risk assessments, to measure the level and predictors of the offender reoffending again.

The most important step after reentry occurs is determining an appropriate time to release the offender completely from judicial supervision.

Review the policy regarding the termination of federal parole by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Create a 5-slide presentation that responds to the following:

Provide an introduction to the issue, including an explanation of the role of mentorship (1 slide)

What are some examples of circumstances where a probation officer might decide to approve a parolee for early release from his or her parole period? (1 slide)

Do you feel a maximum timeframe of 5-years is sufficient for termination of federal parole services? Explain. (1 slide)

Is it fair to require a parole to enter a halfway house upon reentering society? Provide insights into your response. (1 slide)

Is it fair to not allow most people who commit felonies to carry firearms? Why or why not? (1 slide)

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132002859

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