Determine you are living a life of moral clarity

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Reference no: EM131671575

As part of unearthing your authentic personal brand, you need to consider your life's purpose, vision, values, passions, experience, skills, and passions.

Answering the five most important questions in life can be a daunting task but take these one at a time to ease into this introspective work. The five questions ever industry leader (and that means YOU!) can answer boldly are:

-Who are you?

-Where are you from?

-Why are you here?

-What are you capable of doing?

-Where are you going?

These five questions pull at our souls and shape the direction of our lives and, thus, our personal brands. To answer the question, "Who am I?" you need to know your core values, vision, and purpose.

Your values guide your decisions in life. They help you prioritize and determine whether or not you are living a life of moral clarity.

Your vision is external in nature. It is something you see in your mind's eye that does not yet exist. Your vision is far bigger than yourself, requires inspiring other to come along for the journey, and may reveal something you would like to see change in the world or in your industry.

Your purpose is internal in nature. It is your specific role in manifesting your vision. No one else in the world can fulfill your purpose but you. After reading Chapter 1 "Differentiate" of The Brand Gap, answer these three (3) questions in your initial post:

-Who are you?

-What do you do?

-Why does what you do matter to your target audience?

Reference no: EM131671575

Questions Cloud

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Determine you are living a life of moral clarity : As part of unearthing your authentic personal brand, you need to consider your life's purpose, vision, values, passions, experience, skills, and passions.
Passage of civil rights laws : It is often said that morality cannot be legislated; yet changes in civil rights laws and policies have been accompanied by changes in attitudes.
Journalize the entry to record the admission of kacy : A few years later, the capital balances of Derek, Hailey, Journalize the entry to record the admission of Kacy to the partnership
Evaluate the a-posteriori probabilities : Let Y = X + V where X, and V are independent random variables. X takes the values +1 and -1 with equal probability, and V is a zero-mean Gaussian random.
Demonstrate some of the negative effects of conformity : Can you think of examples in your everyday life that demonstrate some of the negative effects of conformity?


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