Determine the psychological capability of the applicants

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Reference no: EM132049525

Part -1:

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter and the articles by Baez (2013), Hogan, Barrett, and Hogan (2007), Morgeson, Campion, and Dipboye (2007), Peterson, Griffith, Isaacson, O'Connell, and Mangos (2011), and the Maximizing Human Potential Within Organizations, Building Better Organizations, and Top Minds and Bottom Lines. brochures on the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) website.

Evaluate the MMP1-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Reports for Mr. and Ms. D. For this discussion, you will take on the role of an industrial-organizational psychologist recently awarded a contract to evaluate potential police candidates. The purpose of the evaluations is to determine the psychological capability of the applicants to be certified as police officers in your state. The applicants you are examining are applying for certification and will be vested with a position of public trust. If certified as police officers, the individuals will likely be required at some future time to exercise significant physical strength and undergo high emotional stress.

As the examining psychologist, you are required to comment on the applicants' social comprehension, judgment, impulse control, potential for violence, and/or any psychological traits that might render her or him psychologically at risk to be certified. The state requires that each applicant's examination include the following elements:

Interview and History: The psychologist must personally interview the applicant and provide a summary of the applicant's personal, educational, employment, and criminal history.

Required Personality Test: The applicant shall be administered any current standard form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) by the licensed psychologist who interviewed the individual, or by a paraprofessional employed by and under the direct control and supervision of that licensed psychologist.

Other Testing Methods: If (after conducting the required test) the licensed psychologist is unable to certify the applicant's psychological capability or risk to exercise appropriate judgment and restraint to be certified as a police officer, the psychologist is directed to personally employ whatever other psychological measuring instrument(s) and/or technique(s) deemed necessary to form her or his professional opinion. The use of any such instrument(s) and/or technique(s) requires a full and complete written explanation to the commission.

For the purposes of this discussion, assume the interview and history information reported to you by Mr. C. and Ms. D. is unremarkable and that neither candidate communicated anything to you during the interview that raised concerns about her or his capabilities to exercise appropriate judgment and restraint to be certified as a police officer. Review the MMP1-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Reports for Mr. C. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Ms. D. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and evaluate the professional interpretation of this testing and assessment data from an ethical perspective.

In your initial post, communicate your conclusions about Mr. C. and Ms. D., either recommending certification or communicating reservations. After you have made your decision, begin the section on each candidate with one of the following statements, identifying each candidate by name.

To recommend certification: and it is my professional opinion that this person is psychologically capable of exercising appropriate judgment and restraint to be certified as a police officer.

Follow the above statement with a one-paragraph rationale for your conclusion based on the available test results.

Follow the rationale with a brief comparison of any additional assessment instruments you might consider administering beyond the MMPI-2-RF. Debate the pros and cons of the potential use of other assessments. Explain any ethical implications that may arise from the interpretation of this data.

To communicate reservations: I have examined [insert applicant's name], and it is my professional opinion that this person is psychologically at risk for exercising appropriate judgment and restraint to be certified as a police officer.

Follow the statement with a one-paragraph rationale for your conclusion based on the available test results.

Follow the rationale with a brief comparison of any additional assessment instruments you recommend administering beyond the MMPI-2-RF.

Debate the pros and cons of using other assessments. Explain any ethical implications that may arise from the interpretation of this data.

Part -2:

The focus for this week is on Industrial-Organizational Psychology and the use of assessments. As you will note from the introduction to this week's material, I/O psychology focuses on behavior in the workplace, and some specific areas include organizational systems, personnel and human resources.

Guidance has been posted, and additional resources from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) have been included to help you complete your discussion questions.

Please continue to work on any assignments you are revising, and just email me as they are completed and submitted so I will know to grade them. Any outstanding work will be accepted.

Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

Evaluate test results to determine the psychological capabilities of job applicants.
Justify test result interpretations using scholarly research.
Evaluate industrial and organizational assessment instruments.
Critique analyses along the dimensions of completeness, accuracy, and professional credibility.


Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology is a diverse and complex field, which focuses on behavior in the workplace. I-O psychologists apply psychological principles and research finding to areas such as employee professional development and training, human resources, assessment, sales and marketing, and organizational development. It is common for research in I-O psychology to be concerned with talent selection, improving workplace productivity, and testing products. I-O psychologists can be found in the business section as well as in research and academic positions. This week you will analyze computer generated personality testament results to make judgments about the implications of the results on hypothetical candidates' abilities to perform important job duties. The interactive assignment this week will allow you to compare to assessment measures commonly used in I-O psychology.

This week, we move into another area of the field: Industrial Organizational Psychology. For those of you who are not familiar with I/O Psychology, the focus of this domain is application of psychology in the work setting. Areas of emphasis include how organizations operate as systems...human resources...personnel...and related concepts. What you will find in the I/O arena is that assessments play an important role in making decisions in these areas. For instance, you will find as you review the material that personality assessments and tests of cognitive ability, among others, have found prominent places in the field. The overview of the material this week refers to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and I highly recommend that you consult the website and, in particular, the three links to the sections on the types of tests, the role of individual psychological assessment, and employment testing:

SIOP--Types of Employment Tests
SIOP--Individual Psychological Assessment
SIOP--Employment Testing

In general, you will want to follow the same types of processes we have been discussing to this point, including determining why an assessment is needed, selecting the correct assessment for the identified purpose, and conducting yourself in an ethical manner so you can complete a valid and ethical assessment, obtain useful data, and then convey that data to the client (which, in this case, may be an organization or business).

Cucina, J. M. (2014). Early technology-enhanced assessments. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(2), 100-107.
Cucina, J. M. (2015). Early pre-industrial-organizational psychology employment tests: part I. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(3), 50-58.
Cucina, J. M. (2015). Early pre-industrial-organizational psychology employment tests: part II. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(4), 58-67.
Gilberson, T., & Miklos, S. (2012). Cognitive ability testing in executive assessments. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 50(2), 130-133.
Martinson, B. C., Thrush, C. R., & Crain, A. L. (2013). Development and validation of the survey of organizational research climate (SORC). Science and Engineering Ethics, 19(3), 813-834. doi:10.1007/s11948-012-9410-7.

And now, let''s discuss the assignments for Week 5. As you will note, there is no Dropbox assignment for this week, just two discussion questions, and both relate to I/O Psychology. When you are not on the boards, make sure to work on your Week 6 final assignment and any revised work you plan on resubmitting.

You are to determine the psychological capability of the candidates to be certified police officers for the state in which you live. You are required to comment on each applicant''s social comprehension, judgment, impulse control, potential for violence, and any other traits that may indicate that there is a risk of certifying the individual for a position on the police force.

Please note that there are required elements--an interview and background history (assume that these are unremarkable), a required personality test, and any other testing materials that may be needed if you, as the evaluator, may be needed to determine certification. Focus on evaluating the MMPI-2 profiles and provide an interpretation, taking into account your ethical responsibilities.

It will be up to you, based on the information available and analysis of the domains above (social comprehension, etc.) whether you would recommend certification or not, and you will need to communicate this using the certification statements included in the assignment prompt.

So, again, focus on the MMPI-2 characteristics, determine whether you would certify the candidate, and explain your rationale based on the test results. If you do not feel you can certify, consider what other information you might need (from other tests) to help you arrive at a certification determination.

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Verified Expert

The Psychological Evaluation at the industrial and organizational level is a challenging aspect to be considered for the organizations. The hiring and position filling at the police department are one of the challenging jobs for the concerned industrial psychologist and consultants which are referred to in order to provide their valuable psychological evaluation about the potential candidates. The valuable feed provided by the industrial psychologists and consultants is important for the police department to consider with regards to decision making about the potential candidates.

Reference no: EM132049525

Questions Cloud

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Total dollar return earned from bond coupon interest : Compute the total dollar return earned from a bond's coupon interest and the reinvestment of coupons from issue date to end of period 3.
Determine the psychological capability of the applicants : The purpose of the evaluations is to determine the psychological capability of the applicants to be certified as police officers in your state
Prepare journal entries by both firms to record all events : Barnwell's investment on Feb 1,2016. Prepare the journal entries by both firms to record all subsequent events related to the bonds through Jan 31, 2018
Price for a sellout performance to generate a total revenue : How many tickets should be sold at each price for a sellout performance to generate a total revenue of $144500.
Average annualized compounded return formulas : Why is the number "1" added to each rate in the average annualized compounded return formulas?
Find the maximum torque in shaft b : The shaft B carries a flywheel of mass 30 kg. If the radius of gyration of the flywheel is 100 mm, find the maximum torque in shaft B



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7/12/2018 1:52:32 AM

Discussion 1 this week asks you to evaluate MMPI-2-RF reports for two police candidates (hence, application of an objective personality assessment for professional purposes). In this way, information from assessments can be used to help organizations determine if employees are a good fit for particular jobs or groups, and cognitive assessments can be used to determine if an individual has the aptitude or ability required for specific roles. As you look into the different tests that may be used, I think you will see how they fit. Along with the links above, I am updating some resources into Doc Sharing that you may also find helpful. I have four other articles that I have identified, but I am having to wait for them to arrive from inter-library loan. I will let you know when they arrive and I have them uploaded.

Write a Review


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