Determine a viable action research topic that you can work

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Reference no: EM132018792

You probably have a lot of ideas already based on discrepancies in education that you have noted.

These discrepancies are a good way to get started in narrowing down to a formal research question. Your job for this assignment:

Find a starting point - use at least two strategies to find your starting point.

Clarify your starting point - use at least two strategies to clarify your starting point.

Determine a viable action research topic that you can work with during the course.

Pose a question which you would like to answer related to the topic you choose. For example: "Does personal home-school communication via student agenda improve student assignment completion for 6th grade students?"

You may submit a written report of your ideas (2 - 3 pages, max), or you may submit a powerpoint detailing your ideas and your thinking process (10 - 15 slide max). Please be sure to include pictures on your slides!

Reference no: EM132018792

Questions Cloud

What struck you as most interesting-informative-valuable : What points of interest or directions of study were brought to your attention? What struck you as most interesting/informative/valuable? Why?
What is the story behind the verizon strike : Do you agree that the Verizon Strike "signaled a Larger Economic Battle" or was it "No Morality Play"? Support your position.
Was the speech well adapted to the occasion : Listen to the Michelle Obama special occasion speech from the February 12, 2018 Smithsonian Institution National Portrait Gallery event.
Do you think moralistic therapeutic deism is an accurate : In your discussion, indicate to which of the points of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism you are responding throughout your post.
Determine a viable action research topic that you can work : You probably have a lot of ideas already based on discrepancies in education that you have noted. Determine a viable action research topic that you can work .
Define the advantages and disadvantages of each model : Develop a 12-15 slide presentation to be utilized in a professional development session for general education teachers.
How you would group these students for in-class english : In a 500-750 word essay, describe how you would group these students for in-class English language arts activities. Include a rationale for your choices.
How important was it to have good followership on your team : Describe the above experience in detail (paragraph form). Discuss your style of leadership and how you were able to lead your team.
Identify the instrumentation of each work : Identify the form: opera, oratorio, concerto, or trio sonata. Identify the instrumentation of each work.


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