Design circuits incorporating microcontrollers

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13665478

1. Choose a microcontroller for a particular application

2. Design circuits incorporating microcontrollers plus any additional hardware to control a particular application.

3. Program a microcontroller in assembly language to control a specific application


The aim of the project is to design/develop an embedded system incorporating a microcontroller to act as a digital stopwatch for use at athletics meetings.

In order to meet the specification the development of the following will be required:

(i) Hardware for the embedded system incorporating PIC microcontroller, LCD display, control switches etc.
N.B. The PIC microcontroller kits can be used to demonstrate the software performance, however a complete hardware design should be included in the submitted report.

(ii) Assembly language program to control the operation of the embedded system.

(iii) Thorough testing to ensure correct operation of system

(iv) Project Report to evidence all of above

The stopwatch should be able to display the time that has elapsed from the assertion of a start switch press in hours, minutes, seconds, tenths of seconds, and hundredths of seconds.

When the stop switch is pressed then the stopwatch should freeze the display.

A continue switch (which could be the start switch or an additional switch) if asserted should continue displaying the time elapsed from the original start key press.

The stopwatch should incorporate a manual or auto mode whereby if in manual mode the stopwatch operates as described above. When in auto mode start/stop are controlled by two external active high logic signals. A logic high signal from the starting gun should start the stopwatch, and a logic high signal provided when an athlete crosses the finish line should stop the stopwatch.

A store function should be incorporated such that if the store key is asserted the time currently being displayed is stored within the stopwatch. There should be a facility to store five times and delete times that are no longer required. The stored times should be non volatile i.e. they should remain within the stopwatch when power is removed from the circuitry.

The display should be an intelligent LCD type.

The Stopwatch should be developed on the available microcontroller kits and then transferred to breadboard powered by a 9V supply.


Reference no: EM13665478

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