Description of topic related to information security

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Reference no: EM131993731 , Length:

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A one-page description of which topic (choose one from following list provided below) you want to report and present

  • Only one student can select one topic i.e. first come first serve basis
  • No team work allowed
  • You have to prepare a 10-minute presentation of the major ideas of the topics in your report
  • An in-depth survey on the major topics in recent developments of information security

The content and depth of your surveys will be considered in the final score.

Topics should focus on selected parts in recent developments in information security, for example,

  • Cloud security/privacy (e.g. cloud storage security, cloud computing security, ...)
  • Social network security/privacy (e.g. Facebook privacy issues, ...)
  • Smart phone security (e.g. Android "Fake-ID" problem, iCloud security, ...)
  • Recent security bug: "Shell Shock" for bash, "heartbleed" for OpenSSL,.

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This paper is based on Facebook privacy and therefore presents major ideas within Facebook privacy for its users. It outlines an in depth survey on the topic in the recent developments of information security. These include cloud security/ privacy, storage as well as cloud computing security. Secondly it give a clear presentation on the privacy regarding social network, security of smart phone as well as the recent security bug. This paper has been prepared on Microsoft office words document.

Reference no: EM131993731

Questions Cloud

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How many grams of sodium are in the residue : If you take a sample of pure, Filtered sea water at 35 parts per thousand (ppt) salinity and using a lab scale you measure its mass: it weighs 1 kg
Description of topic related to information security : A one-page description of which topic - Topics should focus on selected parts in recent developments in information security
Distinguish between variation-adaptation and natural : 1) How might you help students distinguish living things from dead and nonliving things?
How humans are changing the global environment today : What is the most important difference in how humans are changing the global environment today compared to how "world changer 2.0" did so long ago?
Most independent pioneer species : Cyanobacteria are often called the "most independent pioneer species" on the earth.
Semi-permeable membrane : The cell wall of bacteria is made up of a semi-permeable membrane. Would water flow from the microbe to the jam, or from the jam to the microbe by osmosis?



5/23/2018 6:47:12 AM

No Of Pages/Words: 5-7 ppt. Message: dead line is 25 01 pm sydney time this assignment requires ppt(5-7 slides) for topic facebook privacy issues. Class Presentation: 10-minute presentation per student. The content and depth of your surveys will be considered in the final score. Only one student can select one topic i.e. first come first serve basis. No team work allowed. You have to prepare a 10-minute presentation of the major ideas of the topics in your report.

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