Description of professional development opportunity

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Reference no: EM131514638


In 250-300 words, create a table or chart for the six professional development opportunities.

Include the following:

1. Description of professional development opportunity - name, sponsor, location, and topic

2. Application to the early childhood setting, teaching, and/or learning.

3. Relationship to your area of interest.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

Six Development Opportunities listed below.

- Behavior /Classroom Management Strategies: Create affective techniques that can be implement in the classroom to support a daily classroom routine. Select nonverbal or verbal cues that are used to control desired classroom behavior (CHAMP)

- Instructional strategies: Engage in effective collaborative strategies that can be incorporated into their classroom instruction.

- Guided Reading: Gain knowledge to determine when and how to use a guided reading center to support students' understanding of texts and topics

- Brian Development: Gain knowledge of brain development and how to actively support its child growth and development.

- Transition to Kindergarten: Create an educational plan that will prepare early learners that will be entering kindergarten a smooth classroom transition.

- Oral Proficiency & Motivational Strategies: Create affective technique that can be implemented in the classroom to promote oral language development.

Reference no: EM131514638

Questions Cloud

Discuss how the organization will change : Discuss how the organization will change while meeting its strategic challenges in the future
Identify one optimal financing source : Identify one optimal financing source, private or public, bilateral or multilateral, for this initiative.
Describe the type of organization in which you are employed : Discussion: "Organizational Design and Culture"- Briefly describe the type of organization in which you are currently employed or were last employed.
Obtain data on at least three demographics : Obtain data on at least three demographics such as: crime, education levels, gender, ethnicity, race, sexuality, education, or socio-economic data
Description of professional development opportunity : Create a table or chart for the six professional development opportunities -  Application to the early childhood setting
Explain how you will address jims recent performance issues : Explain how you will address Jim's recent performance issues. Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated.
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Describe the role of department of homeland security : Describe the role of Department of Homeland Security in cybersecurity for U.S. citizens and U.S corporations with regards to the attacks from WikiLeak
Compare and contrast agile project management : Compare and contrast agile project management (agile PM) and critical chain project management (CCPM) scheduling, including advantages and disadvantages.


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