Description of brands-products

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132966871

Please help me by providing top brands for cleaning solution that is available in Thailand. It must be sustainable, good for water and safer than other brands. Also, please include the description of brands/products.

Reference no: EM132966871

Questions Cloud

What is the manufacturing cycle efficiency in percent : What is the manufacturing cycle efficiency (%)? For a typical order, assume the times (in hours), storage time (in between processes), 4.0.
Determine the carrying amount of the investment : Beta Company recorded earnings of P3,600,000 and P3,900,000 for 2020 and 2021, Determine the carrying amount of the investment
Calculate standard deviation of the return and coefficient : Calculate the expected return, standard deviation of the return, and the coefficient of variation. Draw a probability distribution curve
Explain the concept of fiduciary duties : Question - Explain the concept of fiduciary duties. To whom are such duties owed in corporate law? Based on the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
Description of brands-products : Please help me by providing top brands for cleaning solution that is available in Thailand. It must be sustainable, good for water and safer than other brands.
Employee satisfaction and engagement : Briefly describe the company you have chosen to examine for your course project and two to three tools it is using for employee satisfaction and/or engagement.
What do you understand by internal control : What do you understand by internal control? Discuss the auditor's duty in terms of internal control system. Provide reference from annual report
What is the maximum amount the firm should spend to reduce : The manager discovered that 81% of the misplaced, What is the maximum amount the firm should spend to reduce the cost of problems in that country by 91%?
How much is the carrying amount of the receivable : The prevailing rate of interest for this type of note is 12%. How much is the carrying amount of the receivable on December 31, 2020


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