Describing the method of inspiration

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1313263

1) During the method of inspiration, the ______ contracts, pulling downward. Also, the ______ muscles contract and lift the rib cage.  Together, these muscle contractions result in the ______ in the pressure in the ______ cavity. Air rushes from a ______ pressure to a ______ pressure, thus it rushes into the chest cavity via the nose and mouth. During the method of ______, on other hand, the ______ relaxes, snapping ______. Also, ______ relax and the rib cage collapses somewhat. These result in the ______ in the pressure in the ______ cavity. This causes air to rush ______ of the ______ via the ______.   

2) Ordinary breath in and out is known as the ______ volume. It is about ______ ml. The amount of air which you can inhale past a normal breath out is known as the ______ and is about ______ ml. The amount of the air that you can exhale past a normal breath in is known as the ______ and is about ______ ml.   The amount of air which never leaves lungs, just avoiding their collapse, is the ______ volume, and it is around ______ ml. The ______ capacity is the total amount of air that can be moved in and out of the lungs, involving the breathing in an out at maximum.   This is about ______ and is equal to the ______ all added together. The total lung capacity that is about ______ also involves the residual volume.

Reference no: EM1313263

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