Describe your listening experience of one or more of poems

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Reference no: EM131524789

Discussion- Listening to Poetry

Listen to We Real Cool and My Papa's Waltz (or select two other poems which are read by the author). These clips demonstrate the importance of performance, rhythm, and musicality in the poetic form. They also represent the essence of 20th century poetry.

Describe your listening experience of one or more of the poems. (If you prefer, you may find a recording of another poem from the course readings or any other 20th century poet and describe your listening experience of it instead. If you choose this option, be sure to provide a link to the audio of the chosen poem.) How did hearing the text(s) recited aloud compare to a silent reading of it/them? Did the performance in any way add to or detract from your experience of the text? Did the performance change your perception of the poem or its content in any ways? Explain how (or how not).

Support your ideas with textual details and analysis. When applicable, address how specific literary techniques and/or devices contributed to your experience (tone, language, etc.)?

Reference no: EM131524789

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