Describe what you would tell mr smith and the child

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Reference no: EM131968245

Discussion: Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old to your office with chief complaints of right ear pain, sneezing, mild cough, and low-grade fever of 100 degrees for the last 72 hours.

Today, the child is alert, cooperative, and well hydrated. You note a mildly erythemic throat with no exudate, both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement, lungs clear.

You diagnose an acute upper respiratory infection, probably viral in nature. Mr. Smith is states that the family is planning a trip out of town starting tomorrow and would like an antibiotic just in case.

Create a communication plan for Mr. Smith and/or families for both prescriptive and non-prescriptive drug therapies.

Describe what you would tell Mr. Smith and the child. Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your decision.

Assignment Requirements: This Assignment may be submitted in a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slidesno more than five (5) pages excluding title page and references.

Reference no: EM131968245

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