Describe what you have done to update the existing statement

Assignment Help Accounting Basics
Reference no: EM132297613

Question: Part 1: Submit the final version of the Impact Analysis Chart you have created for your company.

Part 2: Write a memo to the CEO and CFO of the subject company providing them with the following:

• Describe what you have done to update the existing statement to comply with the IFRS. (Imbed or attach the table you completed in part one of this assignment.)

• Outline the steps that will need to be taken by this company to ensure a smooth transition.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- Chart.rar

Reference no: EM132297613

Questions Cloud

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Describe what you have done to update the existing statement : Describe what you have done to update the existing statement to comply with the IFRS. (Imbed or attach the table you completed in part one of this assignment.)
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Create a graph that shows the breakdown of employment : Create a graph that shows the breakdown of employment in the state by industry. Identify one industry that is in decline and describe the reasons for decline.


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