Describe the ways tpp is a free trade agreement

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Reference no: EM132447531

Question: Option 2: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Evaluate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Be sure to address the following:

1. Provide a brief summary of the current status of the agreement.

2. Describe the ways TPP is a free trade agreement.

3. Describe the ways TPP is not a free trade agreement.

4. Select one member country and analyze the expected effects on that country.

5. Select another country that is not a member of TPP and analyze the expected effects of being left out of TPP.

Your final paper must be 8-10 pages long, not including the title and references pages. It must cite a minimum of eight peer-reviewed or professional sources, and be formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find sources.

Here are links to valuable CSU-Global Library Guides to help you find appropriate sources:

• International Business Guide

• Economics Research Guide

Reference no: EM132447531

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