Describe the types of errors that could occur

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Reference no: EM132394159

Assignment: During this week you will work in the discussion area to identify a research question created in Week 1 that would utilize a During this week you will work in the discussion area to identify a research question created in Week 1 that would utilize a dependent-samples t test or repeated-measures ANOVA. This discussion will help you work towards your "Week 3 Assignment." If there are no research questions that fit these types of statistical analyses, you will need to decide on a new question before moving forward with the assignment.

In your initial posting for this assignment, include the following:

• Identify an appropriate research question that would require the use of a dependent-samples t test or repeated measures ANOVA to answer. Pick the question from the list created in Week 1 or identify a new question if there are no appropriate ones from Week 1.

• Describe why this question is appropriate for the selected statistical test.

• Identify the variables in this study and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, and scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio).

• Do the variables fit the qualifications for the selected statistical test? Explain.

• List the statistical notation and written explanation for the null and alternative hypotheses.

• Describe the types of errors that could occur.

Reference no: EM132394159

Questions Cloud

List all the manufacturing processes for mass production : List all the manufacturing processes for mass production. List all the manufacturing processes (all for making the components) for making a prototype
What improvements would you make to the overall ERM : How did KPIs help in the success of the program? What improvements would you make to the overall ERM?
How did the scenic design set the tone and mood : The third online discussion is about the objectives of a Scenic Designer. A good design is not only aesthetically interesting to the production, but functional.
Calculate the z-score representing the highest : Calculate the z-score representing the highest 5% of calories consumed in a day. (Use a table or technology. Round your answer to two decimal places.)
Describe the types of errors that could occur : List the statistical notation and written explanation for the null and alternative hypotheses. Describe the types of errors that could occur.
What do the values of correlation oefficient : What do the values of correlation oefficient and coefficient of determination show or tell us?
Compute the time of flight for the object dropped : Write a new function Spring3 which is a modified version of Spring2. It will take two inputs, the number of iterations and the spring constant k.
Review the resources on healthcare policy : Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
Two sample standard deviations : Samples of two different models of cars were selected, and the actual speed for each car was determined when the speedometer registered 50 mph.


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