Describe the rmf and how it relates to the cia concepts

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131749894


"Introduction to Information Security," of Elementary Information Security, you read about National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF) and how it expands on the CIA concepts.

Assume that a security model is needed for the protection of information in your class.

In a 1/2- to 1-page paper, describe the RMF and how it relates to the CIA concepts and expands on them. Explain how this framework is used to address the need to protect information in your class.

Verified Expert

?This solution describes the RMF and how it relates to the CIA concepts and expands on them. It explains how this framework is used to address the need to protect information in the class. ?

Reference no: EM131749894

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12/4/2017 11:58:53 PM

In a 1/2- to 1-page paper, describe the RMF and how it relates to the CIA concepts and expands on them. Explain how this framework is used to address the need to protect information in your class. Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

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