Describe the reflective analysis

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Reference no: EM131452425

Question: Reflective Analysis #1 - Strategic Thinking

Your first written assignment / deliverable is to write a Reflective Analysis that incorporates your readings as assigned thus far, as well as your responses to the following:

- Strategic thinking is associated with the more creative aspects of strategic management. It is intent focused, comprehensive, and opportunistic; considers multiple time horizons; and is hypothesis driven. Strategic thinking is the decision-making medium through which the firm uses the strategic management process to shape its present and influence its future while pursuing value creation and high financial returns.

- Based on your professional experience, please provide and analyze an example of when you have worked with an organization that has been engaged with this type of strategic thinking. If you have not had this experience, please provide and analyze an example of an organization you have worked with that should have pursued this type of strategic thinking. Whichever path you choose, please be specific in your analysis.

- Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words, double spaced, and submitted in Microsoft Word format. This should be base on working Xfinity leasing.

Reference no: EM131452425

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