Describe the problems based on the scenario

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Reference no: EM132175050

Question: Team Assignment: Address the following scenario including all the checklist items, and designate a person to submit the final team presentation response to the Unit 6 Dropbox. Once complete, each team member will be responsible for submitting his/her own peer evaluation form to the Unit 6 Peer Evaluation Assignment 2 Dropbox demonstrating how they contributed to the assigned team goals and objectives.

Scenario (fictional): Artificial Intelligence Medical (i.e., AIM) Inc. is a very profitable new company that although in business just two years, has already doubled in size in terms of the workforce and quadrupled their profits. The CEO/founder has stepped aside recently in favor of a new CEO in the wake of employees' frustration and social media messages about the benefits inequity and lack of motivation for teams at the company. The new CEO wants to change the way executive salaries are determined and find ways to motivate the project teams. The project teams typically are assigned to an artificial intelligence product such as a robot to perform routine surgeries or diagnostic software used by different medical units of a hospital for patient diagnosis.

Your employee team is tasked by the new CEO with determining a general proposed solution to the inequity in pay at the company and to address the lack of motivation for the 125 technicians and medical staff that work in project teams of 25 employees each. Each technician or staff member receives a salary of $35,000 per year while the CEO and V.P.s receive $500,000 per year (the CEO also holds 10% of the company stock) and the managers receive $50,000 per year. There is a CEO, 2 VPs (Manufacturing and Finance), a Marketing Manager, a Sales/Customer Service Manager, and a Technical Support Manager along with the 125 Technology-savvy employees that work at the company.

Access the Learning Activities and readings to assist the team in addressing the checklist items.

Checklist: After identifying the team letter/number and members on the title slide:

• Describe the problems based on the scenario.

• Describe the overall goal(s) and objectives of your assigned team.

• Describe the tasks necessary to realize a successful response to the new CEO, allocating tasks for each member.

• Provide a proposed overall salary/benefits solution and provide your team's reasoning. Support the solution with a short citation from each of two (2) scholarly* articles (citations and references in APA format).

• Apply at least two teamwork concepts and at least six (6) team process steps from the Learning Activity for improving the company project team effectiveness and motivation at AIM Inc. to address the assigned response to the CEO.

• Explain how each of you, as a team member, contributed to the team success to address the CEO's concerns.

• Have the assigned team member submit the team PowerPoint presentation in a minimum of 10 slides with additional title and reference slides using 24-point font and correct spelling and grammar, to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox. The presentation should be titled Team X_Unit 6 Assignment (insert assigned team letter in place of X) and each slide should have no more than five bulleted points and explanations should be placed below each slide in the notes section or provide an audio explanation for each slide. If audio explanation is chosen, it must be audible and intelligible.

Scholarly sources have been put through a peer-review by experts to ascertain that the content is original, proves any statements or claims with viable research, etc. Select "Library" under the Academic Tools area. Then select "Peer Reviewed" before doing your search on a topic.

Reference no: EM132175050

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