Describe the optimal selection process

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Reference no: EM132298729

Question: Recruiting and Selecting Human Resources"

• Use the Internet to research a company that you would like to work for, with a focus on its recruiting efforts. Make two (2) recommendations for how the company you researched can improve its recruiting efforts. Provide two (2) specific examples to support your response.

• Briefly describe a human resource position that you would someday like to hold; then, outline the optimal selection process for such a position. Provide a rationale for your response.

Reference no: EM132298729

Questions Cloud

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Design a tool that could be used to measure work : Performance management systems are not likely to help employees develop and improve their performance if managers do not have the necessary skills to help.
Explaining a performance management system : Identify and explain a performance management system that focuses on leadership and motivating employees. Briefly explain and evaluate these programs.
Describe the optimal selection process : Briefly describe a human resource position that you would someday like to hold; then, outline the optimal selection process for such a position.
What do you do with the literature : During your research, you may find conflicting viewpoints on scholarly sources. For instance, you might have one author that asserts United States health care.
What are identification and justification of crisis model : Jon Q. Public High School recently experienced a school shooting. The shooter was a 17 year old male student, Jake, who had few friends and kept mostly.
Describe advantages and disadvantages of using wikis : Forum: "Blogs" or web logs provide an easy way for people to post opinions on any subject - including work-related issues or individuals. Some businesses have.
Define step-by-step process of conducting dismissal meeting : Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting. Using Microsoft Word or an equivalent such as OpenOffice, create a chart that depicts.


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