Describe the neurotransmitter role in mood and behavior

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Reference no: EM133257661

Assignment - Psychology Question

Description - As you explore the biological basis of behavior, it is important to understand the role of chemistry and how it relates to the neurochemicals of the brain that regulate behavior. Knowing brain chemistry allows a person in the field of mental health to have insight into treating addictive disorders or to understand the psychopharmacological perspective in treating disorders such as depression or anxiety. In this assessment, you explore the chemistry of the brain through the role and function of different neurotransmitters and how they affect behavior.

Imagine that you have been asked to present information at a professional conference on the role of neurotransmitters in behavior.

Select 2 neurotransmitters to focus on for your presentation.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you identify and distinguish your selected neurotransmitters, including each of the neurotransmitter's roles in mood and behavior. Address the following information in your presentation for each selected neurotransmitter:

Discuss the most current research on the neurotransmitter.

Describe the neurotransmitter's role in mood and behavior.

Explain if the neurotransmitter is inhibitory or excitatory, and why.

Describe the characteristics of a specific disorder, disease, or condition where the neurotransmitter plays a role, and discuss the role of the neurotransmitter in the condition.

Identify a pharmacological agent prescribed to act on the neurotransmitter for the specified disorder, disease, or condition. Explain how the agent impacts the neurotransmitter to improve the condition.

Describe the possible side effects associated with the identified pharmacological agent, along with any risks associated with not taking the agent for the disorder, disease, or condition.

Reference no: EM133257661

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