Describe the most common side effects seen with drugs

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Reference no: EM132307600

Question: This assignment will be a continuation of the written assignment from Week One. Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles in addition to information from your text on the disorder you chose in Week One. Consider the key classes of drugs used to treat the disorder you chose in Week One and explain their action at the neurotransmitter system involved in the disease process. Analyze and describe the agonist-antagonist activity of the drugs and the receptor types and subtypes involved in the disorder. Elaborate on the receptor agonist-antagonist actions of the drugs and describe the most common side effects seen with these drugs. Evaluate the risk-benefits of drug use for this disorder.

The paper:

1. Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length, excluding title page and references page, and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2. Must include a title page with the following:

• Title of paper

• Your name

• Course name and number

• Your instructor's name

• Date submitted

3. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

4. Must use at least three peer-reviewed sources in addition to the text.

5. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

6. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style.

Reference no: EM132307600

Questions Cloud

Compute the upper and lower standard control limits : Compute the upper and lower standard control limits for this chart.
What are the essential components that should be considered : Write a 500-750-word analysis of your selected article. Include the following in your analysis: What are the essential components that should be considered.
Contracts are within the scope of the statute of frauds : Only specific types of contracts are within the scope of the statute of frauds and thus required to be evidenced in writing.
How implementing customer relationship management system : Explain why customer relationships are important to an organization and how implementing a customer relationship management system
Describe the most common side effects seen with drugs : Elaborate on the receptor agonist-antagonist actions of the drugs and describe the most common side effects seen with these drugs. Evaluate the risk-benefits.
Are the materials appropriate for the target population : Are the materials appropriate for the target population? Does the campaign focus on changing behavior or policy?
Supply chain strategies create value by allowing suppliers : Which of the following supply chain strategies create value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale
How the researcher organizes the review : Access the online text Davis, Stephen F. & Halonen, Jane S. (2001). This text, The Many Faces of Research in the Twentieth Century, covers research reviews.
Develop press release for one of the three programs : Create a 1-page flyer or press release for one of the three public health education programs you proposed for the Week 2 Discussion.


Write a Review

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