Describe the function and structure of the thorax and lungs

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132469708

1. Briefly describe the function and structure of the thorax and lungs.

2. Briefly describe the surface landmarks on the thorax.

3. What is the mediastinum?

4. Succinctly describe the borders of the lungs, pleurae, and their function.

5. What are the structures that compose the respiratory dead space?

6. Discuss the location and functions of the trachea and bronchial tree.

7. Summarize the mechanics of respiration (what happens in the thoracic cage during inspiration and expiration).

8. What are special population considerations of the thorax and lungs?

9. Identify risk factors for lung cancer across cultures and ways the nurse can teach clients to reduce their risk.

10. What are the teaching opportunities to reduce risks and promote health for the thorax and lungs?

11. What subjective data should the nurse collect in a focused assessment of the thorax and lungs?

Reference no: EM132469708

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