Describe the case that defined you as a nurse

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Reference no: EM132300282

Question: Assignment Description

Stress and Nursing Practice

Describe the case that defined you as a nurse. What happened, how were you involved? How does this case still affect you and your practice? What steps have you taken to overcome the stress of this event? (Remember to protect patient privacy).

Explain the importance of debriefings. Are they used in your workplace? If a debriding would happen who would be involved, what would be discussed, who would lead the debriefing, where would it take place? Are debriefing possible at your workplace and would they help nurses deal with stress?

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1550 to 1750 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Reference no: EM132300282

Questions Cloud

Method for conducting job analysis : Although organizations utilize the best approach/method for conducting job analysis, there are certain steps identified in performing a typical job analysis.
How social norms may be a factor affecting community health : Explain how social norms may be a factor affecting community health. Explain how President Eisenhower's heart attack in the 1950s was a major community health.
What kind of fallacy is ambiguity : What kind of fallacy is ambiguity are the following: Equivocation, Amphiboly, Accent, hypostatization, Division, Composition
Describe practice setting and the typical patient population : Briefly describe your practice setting and the typical patient population. Provide examples of key subjective and objective data points you collect.
Describe the case that defined you as a nurse : Describe the case that defined you as a nurse. What happened, how were you involved? How does this case still affect you and your practice?
What are the differences between leaders and managers : What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different? Provide a total of three examples.
What are two ways to address the barrier of time : What are two ways to address the barrier of "time" to the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing? The response must be typed, single spaced.
What is the bottleneck rate : Consider an arrival rate of 50 units/hour to a production line. What is the utilization of machine 3? What is the bottleneck rate?
Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization : Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.


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