Describe the broad range of talent management efforts

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Reference no: EM132452529

Assignment: You, as a HR Generalist, have been asked by your HR Director for your recommendations in terms of what tools your organization could use to better manage the talents of your employees. This will help to develop policies and procedures in managing your human capital. Please develop a PowerPoint presentation to your Director addressing the following:

• Describe and analyze the broad range of talent management efforts that use software applications to help you Director to make an educated decision.

• Give some examples of firms that have successfully used these applications.

• Describe how these efforts are useful in terms of strategic human capital management.

Deliverable Length: 5 - 7 slides with speaker notes of 200 - 250 words per slide (excluding Title and Reference slides)

Reference no: EM132452529

Questions Cloud

Describe concept of prejudice in relation to discrimination : Last week you studied the concept of prejudice in relation to discrimination and other sociological aspects of diversity. One element of prejudice.
Discuss the benefits for your recommendations : In this assignment, you will learn about the different methods that are used in recruitment efforts and how they are practically applied.
Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis : What is the difference between the 'null hypothesis' and the alternative hypothesis'?
How organizations interact with their external environment : Review how organizations interact with their external environment (as open systems and complex adaptive systems).
Describe the broad range of talent management efforts : Describe and analyze the broad range of talent management efforts that use software applications to help you Director to make an educated decision.
Addressing the facets of team-based performance management : Choose three (3) of the best practices for addressing the facets of team-based performance management. Recommend a strategy for your current or past.
Compare BMI and Individual Plan : You must define BMI, though not just with general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Define actual term BMI
Discuss healthcare recruitment and selection : The topic of this presentation will address job analysis and the different types of interviewing selection processes. It should reflect the results of your.
Have you seen the given changes already taking place : What do you think organizations will have to do to adapt to the influx of needed Generation Y individuals? Have you seen these changes already taking place?


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