Describe the applied business research topics in brief

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Reference no: EM132424312

Assignment: Present Three Applied Business Research Topics In Human Resources Management

Instructions: For this assignment, you will present three fundamentally different applied business topics that align with your specialization and personal expertise. These should be topics you would like to study.

In Week 8, you will explore one in more detail. Provide justification that the topic is both business and applied. Explain why the topic is worth researching. Each topic and discussion should be about a page in length. Include an introduction and a conclusion.

Length: 4 pages

References: Include 6 peer-reviewed journals, 2 per topic.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Reference no: EM132424312

Questions Cloud

Case - Taxes and the Cannabis Business : Read Case - Taxes and the Cannabis Business (a GVV case) in Mintz & Morris (2020). What role might cognitive dissonance play in developing your position
Discuss addictive and potentiative drug interactions : Discuss addictive, antagonistic and potentiative (synergistic) drug interactions. Create original examples to illustrate your understanding of these drug.
Discuss psychological dependence in brief : Discuss psychological dependence. How does it develop? What are its effects? How does psychological dependence on some substances differ from psychological.
Describe a gender stereotype that exists in your culture : Write a 1- to 3-page paper in which you describe a gender stereotype that exists in your culture and analyze it as follows: Explain the effects.
Describe the applied business research topics in brief : Present Three Applied Business Research Topics In Human Resources Management. For this assignment, you will present three fundamentally different applied.
Develop a short research plan of your dba program : The final assignment asks you to develop a short research plan that will become the foundation of your DBA program. This plan will evolve as you proceed.
Differences between outsourcing and offshoring : Explain the differences between outsourcing and offshoring, and how each impact an organization. List and explain the benefits of telework.
Do you think the economy has a shortage of skilled workers : In your opinion, why is this law important? Do you think the economy has a shortage of skilled workers? Please explain your thoughts fully.
Define us equal employment opportunity commission criteria : Using the Library or other Web resources, identify and describe a case in which an employer's activities were restricted due to age related rights of employees.


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