Describe pay for time not worked programs

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Reference no: EM132465855

Assignment: Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs

To attract, motivate, and retain good workers, companies need to define what an employee wants from the employment relationship. One way to define employee needs is to consider "total rewards," which are everything an employee perceives to be of value resulting from working for the company. Benefits are a core element of total rewards and the ever-growing package of offerings have evolved. You must now work with the company to define precisely where the various programs will be categorized.

Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:

1. Identify and discuss at least three (3) important variables that almost always should be considered by organizations when providing employee benefits programs. Be sure the response is specific and relevant.

2. Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs. How are the programs similar? Are they mandatory?

3. Research and discuss at least four to five (4-5) of what may be referred as "Other Benefits" that you could recommend to the management team as necessary elements for the benefits package. HINT: Flextime and product/service discounts are good examples.

4. Develop an employee benefits package for any exempt or non-exempt position level of your choosing, making sure you support the selection of your program elements. NOTE: The preferred method for presenting your benefits package information is using a table or exhibit, but either approach is not mandatory.

Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:

1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment (with running head), the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. Use the Strayer University Library to locate additional sources to support your work.

The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Establish the importance of compensation and benefits, and how they support business strategy.

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Reference no: EM132465855

Questions Cloud

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Discuss your overall understanding of fmla : Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Discuss your overall understanding of FMLA and pregnancy discrimination act as it relates to organization.
Describe pay for time not worked programs : Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs.
Write your opinion about the choices and decisions : Then complete the following: Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made-if this was your company would you make this choice?
List of codes used to code the data set : Your submission should include the following: List of codes used to code the data set. Brief narrative summary of your graphic diagram.
Define variables that will be used in your research project : Describe the variables (e.g., ratio, interval, ordinal/ranked, nominal/categorical binomial) that will be used in your research project. Answer the above.
Define and discuss the data wiping process : Define the advantages and disadvantages of securing cloud-based solutions. Define and discuss the data wiping process. Define and discuss hyperjacking attacks.


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