Describe collective bargaining with example

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Reference no: EM132619828

Assignment: Power in Organizations: (Please answer no for both)

Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes collective bargaining and describe how it works within an organization.

Have you ever worked in a healthcare facility that had Magnet accreditation, or had experience with shared governance? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes shared governance and explain how it could be implemented in your current facility.

Expectations: Length: 1000 - 1250 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. At least two (2) scholarly sources should be utilized in this assignment.

Reference no: EM132619828

Questions Cloud

Describe the organizational characteristics of a facility : Describe the organizational characteristics of a facility in which you currently work. Include the following: the type of organization, its organizational.
Discuss database impact on the workplace : Discuss Database impact on the workplace, Discuss database benefits when businesses use querie, Forms, and reports.
What is the trade receivable control and cost of sales : The company sells their using a 25% mark-up on cost. What is the trade receivable control and cost of sales
Calculate weighted average interest rate on non-construction : 10-year, $1.8 million note payable outstanding all year. Calculate the weighted average interest rate on the non-construction-specific debt for Year 1.
Describe collective bargaining with example : Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly.
Prepare the journal entry for Sage collection : Prepare the journal entry for Sage's collection of $373,500 of the accounts receivable during the period from April 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020
What purpose would the statement serve : In a corporation or business, who would likely use information from the statement of cash flows and what purpose would the statement serve?
What goal is the organization trying to accomplish : For this assignment, you are required to develop a small training exercise. Review your needs assessment and previous observations conducted on your work.
What are the NPV and IRR of the Norwegian project : UF, Inc. is considering the establishment of a subsidiary in Norway. What are the NPV (in $) and IRR of the Norwegian project


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