Depression and anxiety affect neuron function

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133191101

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, over 17 million Americans experience a major depressive episode in an average year. Additionally, the NIHM estimates that 31.1% of Americans will experience diagnosed anxiety during their lifetime (NIMH, 2021). As we learn about the nervous system this module, we can use these two common disorders to help gain an understanding of basic nerve function.

Choose either depression or anxiety and answer the following questions. Remember to use your own words when explaining these concepts. Support your opinion with valid research and cite your sources appropriately.

How does depression/anxiety affect neurotransmitters?

How does depression/anxiety affect synapses?

How does depression/anxiety affect neuron function?

Reference no: EM133191101

Questions Cloud

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Older adults is impacted by elements of diversity : Discuss how informal and formal care for older adults is impacted by elements of diversity.
Anatomical concepts and physiological concepts : Explain the anatomical concepts associated with skeletal muscles and joints.
Depression and anxiety affect neuron function : How does depression/anxiety affect neurotransmitters? How does depression/anxiety affect neuron function?
Describe three common bacterial skin infections : Describe three common bacterial skin infections. Briefly discuss and describe three common viral respiratory infections.
Implement transmission-based precautions : Hospitals and other healthcare settings will often implement Transmission-Based Precautions to prevent or help reduce spread of infections to healthcare workers
Create an argument : Create an argument about this topic. Pros what are strengths on this argument? Decriminalization puts money to better use?
Explain the meaning of value-added service : Explain the meaning of value-added service as it pertains to patient care services, and argue the major reasons why it matters to add value to patient services.


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