Demonstrate your understand of key characteristics of each

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131781711

Presentation Assignment: Defining Characteristics of the Major "Schools" of Literary Criticism

In this Performance Assessment, you must create a PowerPoint of at least 20 slides demonstrating your understanding of the following schools of literary criticism: New Criticism/Formalism, Reader-Response, Feminism, and Marxism. In your PowerPoint, you must explain literary criticism and demonstrate your understand of the key characteristics of each. Include also the time period in which these schools developed and significant advocates of each one. Be creative-use pictures, timelines, interesting data etc. Include an additional Works Cited page for all resources used. The Works Cited (slide 21) should be formatted in MLA, and at least 5 sources should be used.

Reference no: EM131781711

Questions Cloud

What is the probability of a favorable seismic survey : What is the probability of a favorable seismic survey, What is the probability of an unfavorable seismic survey
Describes signs that a manager is resisting change : Describes the reasons why managers might be resistant to change. Describes signs that a manager is resisting change.
Describe the theories of global inequality addressed : Compare and contrast the functionalist view of social stratification and the conflict theory's view of social stratification.
Find the irr of the project : Find the payback period of a project that costs $2000 and generates $500 in the 1st year, $700 in the 2nd year, $800 in the 3rd year
Demonstrate your understand of key characteristics of each : In your PowerPoint, you must explain literary criticism and demonstrate your understand of the key characteristics of each.
How many seats should super discount overbook the flight : Super Discount considers the cost of flying the plane from New York to Los Angeles a sunk cost. By how many seats should Super Discount overbook the flight?
What is the balance in cale investment in subsidiary account : On January 1, 2010 Cale Corp. paid $1,020,000 to acquire Kaltop Co. What is the balance in Cale's Investment in subsidiary account at the end of 2010
Examine the definition of the sociological viewpoint : Examine the definition of the sociological viewpoint toward health and illness, and utilize major concepts from our reading material to support this response.
Keenan long-run average return on equity : What is Keenan's long-run average return on equity? [Hint: g= Retention rate x ROE = (1.0 - payout( (ROE).]


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