Demonstrate how it differs from absolute convergence

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131144859


a. Discuss the concept of leapfrogging and demonstrate how it differs from absolute convergence.

b. Does the Ramsey model of chapter 2 (augmented to allow for random shocks to the technology) preclude leapfrogging? Is this model inconsistent with the observation that an economy that is initially lagging in technological sophistication becomes the leader at a later date?

Reference no: EM131144859

Questions Cloud

Give three examples of significant non cash transactions : Give three examples of significant non cash transactions that would be reported in this section.
What are the sources of the effects on convergence : Under what circumstances does the potential for migration raise the speed of convergence in the Solow-Swan model? What about in the Ramsey model? What are the sources of the effects on convergence?
Identify the issues your strategy is addressing : Identify the issues your strategy is addressing. Identify your rationale for choosing these issues. Identify the solutions you expect your strategies to achieve. You must use at least one outside resource to support your discussion.
Why is it important to disclose certain non cash transaction : Why is it important to disclose certain non cash transactions? How should they be disclosed?
Demonstrate how it differs from absolute convergence : Discuss the concept of leapfrogging and demonstrate how it differs from absolute convergence.
Write corresponding opportunity that will created for health : Provider Opportunities: For each of the issues faced by "boomers" that you list, write a corresponding opportunity that will be created for healthcare providers to meet the growing needs of the aging "boomers."
What are the sources of cash in a statement of cash flows : What are the sources (inflows) of cash in a statement of cash flows?
How a lack of access to health insurance may have an effect : Lastly, give a brief description of the health issue you selected and a summary of the resource you selected. Explain how a lack of access to health insurance or transportation may have an effect on health disparities for this health issue and why..
Explain how research typically focuses on males : Explain how research typically focuses on males and is then applied to females.- Illustrate how female delinquency is different from that of males.


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