Demonstrate ethical behaviour

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132871063

1. Describe an occasion on which you had to demonstrate ethical behaviour

2. What did you learn from this experience and how will it influence your future behaviour in the workplace?

3. What would have been the impact had you not behaved ethically in this situation?

4. What experience have you had in dealing with non-financial risk?

5. Using an experience in your workplace explain how you have ensured that the risk was correctly dealt with.

6. Does the shareholders equity represents the savings accompany as accumulated through the years?

7. Is book value the best proxy to the value of the shares?

8. Is evaluation realized by a prestigious investment bank scientifically approved which any investor could use as reference?

9. Is it possible for accompanied with positive net income and which does not distribute dividends to find itself in suspension of payments?

10. They are four ways accompany can use the money it generates: a)buying other companies or assets; b)reducing its debt; c)distribute it to shareholders, and d)increasing its cash holdings. What other reasonable thing can it do?

11. Assuming a company wishes to distribute its money to shareholders, is it better to distribute dividends or to repurchase shares?

12. Is the price of futures the best estimate of the $ exchange rate?

13. How could we obtain indisputable discount rate? How could we calculate the beta and risk premium?

14. My company paid an extremely high price for the acquisition of another company; the price was recommended by the valuation of an investment bank. We now have financial problems. Is there any way to make the company legally responsible for this financial situation?

Reference no: EM132871063

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