Demonstrate critical thinking and solid analytical

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132358200

The intent of the SLP is for you to transform the theoretical and general aspects as covered and based in each module's case paper, to a "Board-meeting" presentation.

The SLP (like the cases) is a cumulative project that will demonstrate the culmination of your understanding and your ability to identify the key points of your case work, and transform them into relevant slides utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint software (PPT).

Remember that the presentation will be submitted to the "MHA599 Consulting Team" board of directors at their bi-weekly board-meeting, so presentation needs to be directed to this executive audience.

I am confident that you will enjoy developing this project, and hone your business presentation skills in the process.

Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations

Do not attempt to dazzle your audience with psychedelic visual effects, multi colors, and eye-boggling animations.

Do not just copy and paste your case text into the slides.

Focus on the content and what message you want to get across to the board.

Think Audience - Ensure that all slides are viewable (i.e., relevant text in viewable font size.)

"one picture is worth a thousand words" - include graphs, diagrams, etc., as appropriate.

Do not use all caps except for titles.

Keep the background consistent and subtle.

Use only enough text when using charts or graphs to explain; clearly label the graphic.

Keep the design clean and uncluttered. Leave empty space around the text and graphics.

Check the spelling and grammar.

SLP - Organization

The number of slides per module should be about 10-15.

Prepare and submit the sectional/modular slides for each module, adding the preceding ones (i.e., in Module 2 you will combine and submit sections 1 and 2, and so on.

Amend each section per the feedback you will get from your instructor.

Finally, you will aggregate all sections into one complete and comprehensive PPT following the SLP framework detailed below, and submit together by the due date of Module 4.

SLP - Framework and Modular Assignments

The complete SLP will consist of the following sections:

Title slide - to be submitted in Module 1.

Background - to be submitted in Module 1.

The External Environment - Data Gathering - to be submitted in Module 1.

Market Research and Segmentation - to be submitted in Module 1.

Organizational Structures and Functions - to be submitted in Module 2.

Finance and Budgeting - to be submitted in Module 3.

Quality, Ethical, and IT Controls - to be submitted in Module 4.

Conclusions and Recommendations - to be submitted in and for all modules.

SLP Assignment Expectations

As stated in the course and modular outcomes, you are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and a solid analytical and theoretical knowledge of all previous courses in the program.

Furthermore, emphasis should be inputted on applying what you already know to the task of developing an individual project that reflects synthesis, integration, and real-life application (action plans).

As the environment is of a real-life project team, you will be assessed as to how well you present your work to your company and peers (writing and presentations).

Feedback and comments from your instructor and peers should be implemented and early recommendations adjusted accordingly.


Attachment:- Golden Age Hospital Complete.docx

Reference no: EM132358200

Questions Cloud

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