Demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity

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Reference no: EM133110420

Part 1: Peer review of the research paper provided to each student via email

You will be given a research paper (sent to you via email) on a topic related to modern databases and NoSQL technologies and you are required to produce a peer review of that paper. You peer review report should be a report up to four pages in length that addresses the following important aspects in relation to the paper sent to you for a review:

1. Summary.
2. Major issues.
3. Minor issues.
4. Presentation and style comments.
5. References comments.

Produce in your own words a well-structured review of the sent to you, paper (about 2000 words).

Please state clearly the title of the paper given to you to review and its number.
See more recommendations on how to write a peer review in the Appendix of this specification

Part 2. Implementation
The implementation evidence for each assignment including an explanation of the implementation, rationale of the design decisions, benefits and drawbacks, etc.

Assignment 1: Create large JSON document with your own data and corresponding JSON schema. Make sure your JSON document contains various data type elements, demonstrates an appropriate complexity and is valid against your JSON schema.
Please provide a screenshot of the successful validation of your JSON code against JSON schema. Please include full JSON code and JSON schema code into your Report as an Appendix.
Please provide an appropriate explanation/discussion of your implementation

Assignment 2: Create one database in Wits,with your own data based on your own case study (at least 10 key/value pairs with values varying in data type) and show at least 10 different queries on that data. Make sure that your data and your queries demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity.
Please provide an appropriate explanation/discussion of your implementation.

Assignment 3: Create one database in Cassandra with your own data based on your own case study (a column-family with at least 7 columns and 30-40 rows) and show at least 10 different queries on that data. Make sure that your data and your queries demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity.
Please provide an appropriate explanation/discussion of your implementation

Assignment 4: Create one MongoDB with your own data based on your own case study (a collection with at least 20-30 documents of a different structure) and show 10 different queries on that data. Make sure that your data and your queries demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity.
Please provide an appropriate explanation/discussion of your implementation

Assignment 5: Create one Graph database using either Neo4J or AllegroGraph, with your own data based on your own case study ( at least 25 nodes with relationships) and show 10 different queries on that data.

Make sure that your data and your queries demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity. Please provide an appropriate explanation/discussion of your implementation.

Reference no: EM133110420

Questions Cloud

Compute spartan foreign source gross income : Spartan sells its quidgets to Australian customers through its wholly owned Australian subsidiary. Compute Spartan foreign source gross income
Case study-preston corporation : Preston Corporation has a bond outstanding with a $90 annual interest with a semiannual coupon payment, a market price of $1,086, and a maturity date in 10 year
What is the value of the cca tax shield : The Sisyphean Company is considering a new project that will have a CCA deduction of $2.5 million in the first year. If Sisyphean's marginal corporate tax rate
Calculate the margin required for opening short sale : An investor sold short 1000 shares of ABC $30 per share. The stock is eligible for reduced margin.
Demonstrate an appropriate variety and complexity : Implementation evidence for each assignment including an explanation of the implementation, rationale of the design decisions, benefits and drawbacks, etc
Statements about var : Each of the following statements about VAR is true except:
What is the future value of investment : Your client is going to reinvest these cash flows at a rate of 14.52 percent per year. What is the future value of this investment at the end of year five?
Main tools of the federal reserve : What are some of the main tools of the Federal Reserve?
Functioning of today equity markets : The functioning of today's equity markets hinges on two components:



3/24/2022 3:41:13 AM

This assignment contains two parts. One is peer review report and for that I have attached pdf and part 2 is 1 to 5 assignments.

Write a Review

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