Degree of decomposition of the leaves

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132686711

Hypothesis - The degree of decomposition of the leaves will be greater at the retarding basin.

The aim of the experiment is to - test whether leaves of different species will decompose/degrade at different rates, and whether these rates of tissue loss are affected by different wetland habitats.

The two habitats are

  • 1) A protected reserve lake without fish
  • 2) A publicly assessable retarding basin tat captures run off and contains fish.

Method - 2 netted leaf packs contained pre-measured samples of leaves from 3 different species (Phragmites Australis, Eucalyptus & Salix) were placed into two lake bodies for 10 weeks, after which they were retrieved and the degree of break down was measured.

The results showed more mean tissue loss for all 3 leaf types at the retarding basin containing fish.


? If a difference in % tissue loss is observed between the leaf species, what factors involving the composition of the leaves may account for these differences? If there is no difference, why might this be the case? (in context of your hypothesis)

? If a difference in % tissue loss is observed between the two test sites, what factors involving these environments may account for these differences? If there is no difference, why might this be the case? (in context of your hypothesis)

Were there any potential experimental errors or limitations, and how can the experiment be better in the future?

Reference no: EM132686711

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