Define what steps must be followed to comply with the law

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Reference no: EM131674930

Two former roommates from college contact you about an opportunity to make big money. Their idea is to start a business to market a new video game system (the computer science major developed the software, the engineer created the hardware). They estimate it will take $5 million to $10 million to begin production, and they want to raise money by selling shares in the company to investors. They think their product is superior, and they are aware of the time factor. They want to get started as soon as possible. Your field of expertise is securities marketing.

Can the three of you just begin advertising for investors?

What steps must be followed to comply with the law?

How much time is needed before potential investors can be approached legally?

Reference no: EM131674930

Questions Cloud

Imports and exports come from the same seven counties : Suppose this country Freelandia is open to trade. Although it imports and exports goods and services from more than 150 different nations globally
What crime do you believe scammel was charged with : The sec, in its investigation, also learned just before he purchased many of the Marvel securities, Scammell searched the internet for the terms.
What are the top five for a good manager : What do you believe are the top five characteristics of a good leader? What are the top five for a good manager?
Constitute proof of an enterprise incorrectly set forth law : After Boyle was convicted of 11 of 12 counts against him, including the RICO counts, and was sentenced to prison, he appealed on grounds that the instructions.
Define what steps must be followed to comply with the law : Define What steps must be followed to comply with the law, How much time is needed before potential investors can be approached legally
Identify which level of government uses the budget : Identify which level of government uses the budget (federal, state, and/or city).Please cite and reference your work accordingly.
What is the logic behind the npv capital-budgeting framework : What is the logic behind the NPV capital-budgeting framework? Would changes in the cost of capital ever cause a change in the IRR ranking of several projects?
Evaluate strategic plan can make evident any missed threats : Evaluating the strategic plan can make evident any missed or undiagnosed threats or opportunities. In reviewing, strategic planning institutes a structure.
Imports and exports come from the same seven counties : Suppose this country Freelandia is open to trade. Although it imports and exports goods and services from more than 150 different nations globally


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