Define the wbs and wbs dictionary before building schedule

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131778589

Discussion: Reflection and Analysis

Looking back over the past eight weeks, share your observations, insights, and lessons learned as you reflect on:

• The importance of the pre-requisites for building a project schedule, e.g., what aspects of the scope and schedule planning process did you find most helpful?

• Defining the WBS and WBS Dictionary before building the schedule

• Using software to create the Gantt charts and network/PERT diagrams

• Any other insights you would like to share regarding the process and procedures for successfully creating and controlling project schedules

Considering the project you chose to develop throughout this course, what opportunities for positive social change could have been included in the project's scope?

After posting, read a selection of your colleagues' postings.

Reference no: EM131778589

Questions Cloud

What would be the socially efficient level : A collectivity consists of three persons, A, B, C. Demand for some collectively provided service, x, being for person A, P = 40/x; for person B, P = 20/x.
What are the characteristics of american democracy : What are the characteristics of American democracy? How does American democracy differ from the theory of democratic government?
How australia can use the technology to improve fare service : write a well-presented discussion paper for how Australia can use the technology to improve fare services for trains/tram/bus operations
What might be the efficiency problems with an approach : A classic way of introducing pollution regulation in to an urban area is the "rollback" method. First, you determine the maximum tolerable level of particular.
Define the wbs and wbs dictionary before building schedule : Defining the WBS and WBS Dictionary before building the schedule. Using software to create the Gantt charts and network/PERT diagrams.
Positive and negative ramifications : From where is the remittance money that comes to your assigned country being sent? How significant is this source of money in terms of amounts.
Which car is cheaper to own and by how much : You are choosing between buying two cars. A hybrid (gas-electric) car cost $40,000 and gets 38 miles per gallon of gas. The gasoline car costs $33,000.
Human-environmental interactions : How do the physical and human characteristics interact to produce notable observations of the landscape in the region or subregion you have selected?
Describe factors that address community and groups at risk : How each program is funded (how)? Describe factors that address community and groups at risk for substance use disorders.


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