Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131529289


Clear fractions in the first step by multiplying by the LCD. Show all work and show the complete check of your answer.

(n/5) + (-1/4) = (3n/20) + (-1/2)

An elementary school buys tickets for a field trip to the zoo. The number of children going on the field trip is 14 times the number of adults. Tickets for children cost $8.50 each and tickets for adults cost $17.00 each. If the total cost of all of the tickets is $2720, how many tickets of each type did the school purchase? Please set up and solve this problem following the steps below:

a) Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable.
b) Translate the question into an equation.
c) Solve the equation, showing all work.
d) Write a complete answer to the question asked, including appropriate units.

Reference no: EM131529289

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the accounting-cash and financial break-even qua : This problem concerns the effect of taxes on the various break-even measures. Calculate the accounting, cash, and financial break-even quantities.
Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable : Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable. Translate the question into an equation. Solve the equation, showing all work.
The religious type of hospital before being admitted : Do you think that a person who needs medical care would consider the religious type of hospital before being admitted and why?
Using future worth approach : using an future worth approach determine the maximum amount the company should be willing to pay for the system.
Describe the significance of enable others to act : Finally, create a summary message to describe the significance of "Enable Others to Act" as it relates to your view of leadership
Pick your favorite leadership development program : Pick your favorite leadership development program and describe it thoroughly. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a program?


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