Define recommendations for how to correct what you found

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Reference no: EM132648720

Assignment: Now that you have a good background in systems safety, let's put all that newfound knowledge to good use and do a complete analysis of a system. Pick any system you are somewhat familiar with. It can be something you work with on a daily basis or it can be something you just read that interests you. The choice is yours.

Provide a brief synopsis of your system and what it is designed to do. Then provide a complete analysis of the system from a systems safety standpoint. You can analyze the entire system if it isn't too big or you can do a subsystem, which is a part of the whole. Your analysis should include the following:


• Impact of each item in the PHA (i.e., what can happen if it is not mitigated)

• Risk Analysis Matrix

• Pick at least two of the items identified in your PHA and use any of the tools we have covered to analyze them.

• A detailed report to your boss: In this report be sure to provide your operating assumptions and recommendations for how to correct what you found.

• Thinking in terms of the two items you picked, tell how often they should be reevaluated throughout the life cycle of the system and why.

• Realize this isn't just a narrative. Your analysis should include the applicable charts, such as a PHA, PHL, or fault tree for example. You must have some of the actual diagrams you used to make your assumptions.

Reference no: EM132648720

Questions Cloud

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Describe the advantages of a retrospective rating plan : Describe the advantages of a Retrospective Rating Plan and which benefit can impact the insured the most and why?
What is the hpr : At the end of the period the shares are worth $192, and you earn 1.6% dividend yield. What is the HPR?
Define recommendations for how to correct what you found : A detailed report to your boss: In this report be sure to provide your operating assumptions and recommendations for how to correct what you found.
Compute what is the present value of the same annuity due : Find what's the present value of the same annuity due? If the present value of an ordinary, 8-year annuity is $7,000 and interest rates are 8.0 percent.
Determine what would be actual total fixed manufacturing : Determine What would be actual (not applied) total fixed manufacturing overhead cost incurred for company for the month if the order in Job #1
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Find what was period cost incurred for month of december : What is the total variable cost incurred for Job #1(assume that all selling and administrative cost and all manufacturing overhead costs are fixed.)?


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